Home Relationships


A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another person or between two people or groups arising from kinship seeing how they feel and behave towards each other. The other definition of a relationship is a close connection between two people, especially one involving romantic or sexual attraction.

Untangling the Abuse Web: The Perplexing Bond of Abusive Relationships ||...

Abusive relationships are a deeply concerning and prevalent issue that affects individuals across all walks of life. It is vital to understand the reasons...

Why Do People Cheat In A Relationship – Here Are The...

A relationship is a commitment between two people to be partners through times of happiness and sorrow, ups and downs, and through thick and...

Jealousy In A Relationship – How To Deal With A Jealous...

After spending a few years, you identify him as a caring and loving person. However, a thing that genuinely bothers you is his jealousy....

10 Signs To Know When To Leave A Relationship!

Happy endings of love stories in real or reel life fascinate everyone. Every human being is different; everyone has a different story with disparate...

What are the Signs A Guy Likes You? || Some Potential...

Love is a magical feeling where people connect, interact, trust, and start investing in each other. Each one of us has experienced those butterflies...

Emotional Manipulation in Relationships: 10 Signs of Gaslighting!

Healthy relationships are based on trust, respect, and open communication. However, there are instances where one partner may engage in manipulative behavior to gain...

17 Signs He Doesn’t Love You Anymore Or He’s Not Into...

Being in love is a beautiful experience, and more so if the person you hold dear also loves you. But when you feel like...

3 Tough Conversations Every Couple Should Have To Make Relationship Work!

Humans are social animals and need a social life; they need people around them to talk to and share their feelings, and what could...

How To Identify The Signs You Are In A Fake Relationship?

Have you ever wondered what fake feelings and fake relationship is like? Even though no one wants to admit they see signs of a...

12 Practical Steps For How To Fix A Relationship You Ruined!

It's a fact of life: sometimes, relationships hit rough patches. You might have made a mistake, hurt your partner, or done something significantly damaging...

Inspiring Long Distance Relationships Quotes Of All Time To Cheer You...

To be in love with someone and you can't see or feel their presence on a daily basis seems pretty harsh, isn't it! Long-distance...

Are You in a Damaged Relationship Or Struggling Relationship? How to...

Being in a happy and healthy partnership doesn't always mean that people can't have a few conflicts and a few days of misunderstandings. In...

Why Long Distance Relationships Don’t Work?

Every relationship has its beauty. It is a known fact that love reduces most of the sorrows, troubles, and hardships when it takes the...

Spice Up Your Long-Distance Relationship| Try Out These 12 Steps!

Long-distance relationships have become the norm in this millennium. The previous year the pandemic stuck many lovers living miles apart. Indeed, it is heart reckoning...

Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship – 7 Traits Of Toxic...

Let's be super honest. It isn't easy to make friends, and it's even more difficult to make friends who stay by your side, no...

Were You in an Abusive Relationship? It’s the Time to Overcome...

Life is not easy on everyone, and if you were in an abusive relationship, it's quite tough to overcome the horrifying experience of your...

8 Signs You Are Enjoying a Loving Relationship

Everybody in this vast universe, even the most isolated souls has a desire in them to experience a truly loving relationship, at least once....

Rejuvenating Your Love Life: How to Fix a Boring Relationship?

Picture the following: you are in the initial stages of a budding relationship, the sparks and butterflies are in full force, and the chemistry...

How To Identify The 7 Signs Someone Is Constantly Thinking About...

Ever wondered if someone is constantly thinking about you? You might be surprised to know that there are subtle signs which can hint at...

How To Maintain A Healthy Friendship || How To Stay Friends Despite...

Connecting with others feels great as it gives a feeling of being accepted. All is good when you connect with people having similar thoughts...

8 Signs You Are Suffering From Oldest Child Syndrome

Oldest Child Syndrome, to be honest, sounds like a made-up name to explain just why older children are the way they are. But it...

Why Extramarital Affairs? How Do Extramarital Affairs End?

A marriage is a bond built on the foundation of trust and love. An extramarital affair shakes the very foundation on which the marriage...

12 Breakup Cure: How To Be Happy After A Breakup?

Have you ever encountered anyone who seems a bit off, has an ill temper, with pessimist thoughts, or feels like dying? Some of you...

Best Toxic Relationship Quotes To Encourage You To Let Go

If you have ever been in a toxic relationship, you know the struggle and pain of trying to escape the relationship every day. Although...

Stages of A Relationship – 5 Stepping Stones In A Relationship

Relationships demand sacrifice, compromise, and understanding. You will have to go through a cycle of acknowledging, understanding, fighting, ignoring, and pursuing over and over...

Where Do Most Affairs Happen? 7 Types Of Affairs And Their...

You often fall out of love after an argument with your spouse. That doesn't mean that you are no longer going to love him....

10 Partner Yoga Poses to Sky-High Your Relationship with Your Partner!

Are you among those who are seeking ways to take your relationship to the next and better level, both physically and mentally? Try partner...

Does True Love Exist In Reality? Reasons To Believe It Does!

Many people believe that true love does exist. It may look different for each person, but it's often portrayed by feelings of deep affection,...

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