12 Breakup Cure: How To Be Happy After A Breakup?

how to be happy after a breakup

Have you ever encountered anyone who seems a bit off, has an ill temper, with pessimist thoughts, or feels like dying? Some of you may say ‘Yes’, some ‘No’. Sadly, these are the signs which directly signify a broken heart. Just like win/loss are parts of life, breakup and getting together are also normal life happenings. I know it’s tough to get going, but you have to live for your loved ones and those who love you and always want to see you happy. So knowing how to be happy after a breakup is a must to move on and live your life blissfully.

How To Be Happy After A Breakup? 

How To Be Happy After A Breakup - how to be happy after a breakup

Yes, it’s complicated but not impracticable. People around you (your friends, family members, and well-wishers) care for you, and you must live for and with them. Never get inspired by some other person’s story; everyone has different priorities and lifestyles. Even in movies, a happy ending depicts another unseen story. Most of the time, what we see is not absolute; remember, looks can be deceiving. Time never remains the same for all; if it might be a good day for you, out there for someone, it can be the worst day. Take a step toward a breakup cure and never lose hope. Remember, your self-esteem is above anything in this world. Prevail over the following five stages of breakup and make your way on the road to healing;

1. Denial

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

However, the story doesn’t end here! Breakup cure is difficult but not impossible. Take a deep breath and read the following solutions with a calm mind. Hopefully, you can come back to life after reading this.

1. Accept The Reality

accept reality

Acceptance is the first stage of change. New ways and hopes always welcome those who accept reality. Don’t misguide yourself; let your mind and heart accept that your betrothed or bae has become an ex, and trust me accepting the truth will make the healing easier for you.

2. Watch Movies/Dramas/Series

Watch Movies/Dramas/Series

Kill your time. Never sit idle, and don’t let your negative thoughts triumph over your personality. If you can’t do anything, just start watching movies or dramas or any series and if comedy is your genre, then go for the all-time most watched sitcom, Friends. Also, if you want a total shift, nowadays Korean wave is on fire; try watching some of the most watched and desired Korean dramas. And if you are a movie buff, here are some of my recommendations for a few Hollywood movies that can somehow heal your broken heart.

  1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  2. Marriage Story
  3. High Fidelity
  4. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  5. Waiting to Exhale
  6. To All the boys I Have Loved Before
  7. Celeste and Jesse Forever
  8. How to Be Single
  9. The Last Five-Years
  10. The Breakup

3. Keep yourself Busy In Physical Activities

Keep yourself Busy In physical activity - how to be happy after a breakup

A busy routine is a blessing; I feel that people who follow a busy schedule easily overcome the grief of a breakup. Engage yourself in healthy physical activities, and don’t let your negative thoughts overshadow your mind. I have seen many people who effortlessly cover breakup stages just by changing their routines. A healthy body means a vigorous mind and a healthy heart; therefore, schedule some positive and healthy daily activities.

4. Pray/Meditate


Pray cure wounds of mind, heart, and soul. Meditation and Prayers are some of the best medicine for a broken heart. Believe me; you will feel relief after a session of prayer. Try it and mend your broken heart. Prayer is the easiest and sweetest duty; it doesn’t matter which religion you follow. Trust me, when you meditate or pray, it gives relief to your soul and becomes the ultimate source of happiness.

5. Start Doing Something Productive

Start Doing Something Productive

It’s a reality that your mind becomes more productive after a breakup. Surprised? Yes, when your mind and heart are broken, negative energies surround you. Here you have to decide whether you want to live with negative energies or renovate your negative thoughts into something productive. When you involve your mind in something constructive, you will find your mind has wholly veered from the heartbreak.

6. Enjoy Being Single

enjoy being single - how to be happy after a breakup

Stay single, and don’t mingle until you get your true soul mate. Enjoy your freedom; it’s valuable. If you are tired of a relationship or your partner has left you, don’t be sad and convince your heart that you are your very own best friend. Have the benefit of your very own company.

7. You Deserve The Best

deserve best

Keep in mind that everything happens for a good reason. Never regret your decision if you are the one who decided to quit or move on. Be wise in making decisions about the relationship of your relationship. Don’t blame yourself if your relationship does not last long; relationships never die their natural death; it’s the ego and lies that kill it slowly. You are the owner of your destiny. Always be loyal and faithful; if it doesn’t work, you shouldn’t take it to heart, and always remember that you deserve the best in your life.

8. Spend Quality Time With Your Friends/Family

Spend Quality Time With Your Friends/Family - how to be happy after a breakup

“Family and friends are hidden treasures; seek them out and enjoy their riches”. True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evil. Socialize with your friends and family circle. Keep yourself busy. They are indeed blessings and can be proven to be the best for your healing process. Surround yourself with your best friends or girlfriends and make hang-out plans. Forget about your past and live in the present.

9. Travel


Travel, travel, and travel, yes, I will repeat once again, free yourself and go on some trip; it will help you move on smoothly from a toxic relationship. At least after traveling, your mind will refresh, and you can focus on life and your future. Healthcare providers often recommend traveling to their patients so that they can heal quickly; the same therapy works for the wounded heart. Traveling will help to heal up your unseen sores.

10. Spend Time With Positive People

Spend Time With Positive People - how to be happy after a breakup

I know people face the worst time after the breakup, and during this time mind stops thinking positively. Negative thoughts outshine positivity, and one starts thinking in a negative direction. What to do then? Cocoon yourself with positive people because company matters a lot. Spend time with people who offer positive guidance. It’s a fact that you cannot move forward in life with pessimism in your mind.

11. Quit Social Media

Quit Social Media

Never share your breakup stories on social media. Social media is not a safe place; the more you share, the more you will become depressed. Staying or browsing on social media may compel you to look into your ex’s or their friends’ or mutual friends’ profiles, further aching your heart. It’s totally on you, but my suggestion is to quit social media for the time being or until you are strong enough to face anything that keeps you dragging down in a negative zone. Social media is the amplest source of mental illness when you are in a downbeat mood because you feel self-deprived when you see people around you happy.

12. Laughter Therapy

Laughter Therapy - how to be happy after a breakup

While going through a breakup phase, laughter is the best therapy to cure your grief. Try laughter therapy; yes, it will work indeed. You know what? There are two ways to express frustration and exhaustion, one is negative, and the other is positive; and you can execute these emotions through tears and laughter. Use these two outlets to combat your grief, irritation, and disturbance, but the wise choice is to choose laughter as there is less cleaning up afterward than tears.

How to be happy after a breakup isn’t impossible, and you can make it possible with the above-mentioned breakup cure with your willpower and determination. Now the choice is yours, whether you want to enjoy the colors of life or live in the darkness of the past. Sometimes good things fall apart to create space and replace things that are not good for you. I once read somewhere; that in our life end is never bad, but if it is bad, it’s not the end. Be strong and make your end happy.

“Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because he/she is someone else’s problem”.

Also Read: We often ignore signs when the relationship goes south; let’s peep into these ten signs when to leave a relationship.

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