Teens Exam Fear: How To Deal With Teens During Exams?

exam fear

Students experience a variety of tests or exams quite frequently, sometimes scheduled so close-knitted that it becomes tough for them to revise appropriately. However, these situations lead to multiple types of anxiety or stress, leading to teen exam fear. Stress can be described as an unfavorable reaction when individuals are subjected to vast amounts of pressure or other forms of expectations imposed on them. Stress can manifest differently from person to person. Sometimes, it can make students feel upset as well as threatened too. However, when somebody is suffering from stress for quite a long time, it can also lead to physical and even mental illness.

Parent’s Role Is Important

Parent's Role Is Important - exam fear and teens exam fear

Parents need to play an extraordinary part in overcoming their teen’s exam fear and succeeding in school. Though teens love to get some independence, parents’ support and involvement are also required to succeed academically. Maintaining a balance between pressuring your teens too much and supporting them is really a tough job. Besides, knowing the right reasons behind the teens’ exam fear can help you understand and guide them judiciously. So the following discussion will help you get the balance and give your full support to your teens.

Reasons Behind Your Teen’s Exam Fear And Stress Are

Reasons Behind Your Teen's Exam Fear
  • Anxiety about the performance
  • Hopelessness or negativity
  • Unable to take criticism or scepticism
  • Various relationship related problems or family problems
  • High expectations from family or friends
  • Money related problems etc.
  • Peer pressure and competition

Be Aware Of The Following Symptoms

Tired all the time

When somebody is suffering from stress for quite an extended period, it gets worse, so you need to know the signs of this problem.

  • Tired all the time
  • Sleeping disorder
  • Feeling down all the time
  • Panic attack or stress
  • Bizarre eating habits
  • Feeling sad almost to the point of crying all the time

Some other signs could be causing injury to themselves, headaches, eczema or other severe skin conditions, eating problems, and even feeling suicidal.

Who Is Likely To Have Exam Fear?

Exam fear

Some teens prepare a lot but still get anxious. In contrast, some don’t even think about it. Some types of students who get stressed are:

Perfectionists: Who can’t accept mistakes and want to get everything right.

Overthinkers: Who worries about the exams a lot and find it hard to focus.

Unprepared: The ones who were lazy during class and piled up everything for the exam.

Teens can find it challenging to prepare for exams because the study material may be too difficult or hasn’t been appropriately revised. Either way, more exam fear, and teens exam fear links to the massive amount of course study. Parents can provide their support in the following ways.

10 Tips To Help Your Teen To Overcome Exam Fear

Let’s look into what you do together or, as a parent, you can do for your child during exam time.

1. Being Calm Is An Excellent Strategy To Fight Exam Pressure

Being calm

Try to stay calm and support your teens through their ups and downs. Always remember your emotions are something your teens will copy in the future. So, if you remain calm, it will automatically influence your teens to keep peaceful during pressure situations in the future. They could have pushed you beyond your limits, but don’t burst; it will worsen the situation. Stress itself instigates poor behavior, so when parents start to react to them, it can lead to even more anxiety all around.

2. Talk To Them As Communication Is the Solution Provider

communication is powerful

Be communicative as it is the key to getting along with your teen to combat exam fear. Teens usually prefer to share stuff with their friends rather than their parents. However, you are the one who can open the channels of communication. Make them feel that you are there for them. Don’t always order them to do this or do that; it sounds more like a lecture to them. Just make them feel that you are approachable. On the one hand, you need to have open conversations with your teens, and on the other hand, you should be prepared to discuss their school or college-related anxiety with them.

3. Appropriate Study Room To Concentrate On Studies

Study room

This is really important that your teen has a specific area for their lessons at home. Ensure the study room or place needs to be quiet, and it must have a window. Always remember, a tidy home is the reflection of an uncluttered mind. Allow them to be aware that you are available for them; nevertheless, don’t voluntarily advise them until they ask for it; otherwise, it can lead to a heated argument. Every teen is different, so don’t push them if your kid is not a morning person. If they like to study during the night, let them do that. Make sure you have put their exam schedule in a place where everybody can see that and remind them on time. When you tick off the finished exam date, it indeed provides them with some encouragement and relaxation.

4. Getting Enough Sleep Is A Must Have A Healthy Mind

Have enough sleep - exam fear and teens exam fear

Good sleep is always required to get your physical and mental health in good condition. Teens tend to sleep late and wake up late, which sometimes leads to dizziness. Assure you have imposed the no-tech rule strictly in their bedrooms. Keep an eye on your teens and ensure that they are not using their phones at least an hour before going to bed. Just like other people, they also need a good night’s sleep.

Also Read: Parents can incorporate dinner with food that improves sleep so that teens can get improved sleep and wake up with a fresh mind.

5. Keep Checking On Their Eating Habits

Eating habits

Keep an eye on your teens’ eating habits, and try to feed them energetic food, which can boost their immunity. Don’t allow them to consume excessive-high carb or sugar-rich food or drinks. It can lead to even more anxiety or stress. Extra sugar can also instigate stress levels and make them more restless. So, make sure to take care of their food habits, and give them fresh fruit juice, fresh fruits, salads, and protein-rich foods. Baked foods are far better than fried food, so if they demand anything tastier, to calm down their taste buds. Make sure they wake up early and eat breakfast on time; a balanced diet, strict routine, and systematic lifestyle can help to boost their immune system to concentrate on their studies.

6. Don’t Hesitate To Show Your Love

show love

They might not like it when you kiss them or hug them tight; however, you need to make them realize how much you love your teens. Try to be their fan. Make them understand how proud you are or praise them for their achievements. It will give them the strength to fight stress.

7. Make A Thorough Study Plan Plus Strategies For Exam

study plan - exam fear and teens exam fear

After they get their homework from school, sit with them and put some plan in place subject-wise. Make sure you have included the breaks too. It will help them to concentrate. Sometimes you might find them with some unfinished tasks. Just try to be patient with them and understand that all days are not the same. Never rely on the last-moment situation; always stay ahead of time and plan accordingly to avoid unnecessary hassle.

8. Instill The Importance Of Exercise, Yoga, And Meditation

yoga for relaxation - exam fear and teens exam fear

Always inspire them to do exercise and yoga; motivate them to do meditation and breathing exercises. It will help them to produce happy hormones. Students prefer to pause their other multiple extracurricular activities during various school exams. Try to encourage them to go swimming or for some gym time at least. It helps them to cope with anxiety too. Yoga is another way of getting yourself relaxed, especially during exams. Try to set classes with your teens together. You can even practice it at home by playing some soothing music along with it. When nothing works, just a simple walk or only ten minutes of kicking a football or even hitting a tennis ball can do wonders.

9. Don’t Bribe But Encourage Then With Gifts After Exam

Giving gifts to encourage

Teens, like any other person, look forward to better outcomes soon. You can plan a big family trip after the exams. You can arrange to eat out dinner with your teens at their favorite restaurant and then ice cream on the way back as a family. You can plan a scavenger hunt or a puzzle for them to anticipate the gift, whether it is a new iPhone or a concert ticket. Choose a suitable weekend after the exams are over so your teen can enjoy their day off. This way, you can motivate them to do better in the exam without pressuring them. Your teens will study consistently without stressing out.

10. Help Organize Things, So They Study Well

Organize things - exam fear and teens exam fear

You can be a little flexible in terms of home chores and organizing things. Even if your teens are not well-organized during this time and you have unfinished tidying, just let it be. Exams are not going to last forever. You can help your kids reduce exam fear and teens exam fear because of the relaxed environment at home. Avoid nagging them and offer them your help arranging their stuff so they can feel fresh to study in peace.

Parent involvement in a child’s life can change everything. So, make sure to help your teen overcome the pressure of exams by following the above suggestions. We are always open to multiple suggestions here at Women’s Podium, so if you have any unique ideas to overpower your teens’ exam fear, do share them with us.

Also Read: Is your teen addicted to YouTube or social media and stressing over exams? As parents, you can stop this addiction for their productive life.

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  1. cool tips, easy to follow, exam times are really hard time and we all mothers need to be calm and cool with our kids, sometimes I think we need such tips for us too.


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