How To Meditate Longer To Reach Inner Peace And Tranquility

how to meditate longer

Meditation enhance focus, redirects thoughts, and alleviates stress, anxiety, and depression. Regular practice of meditation yields a multitude of benefits for both physical and mental well-being. Nonetheless, sitting for extended periods during meditation can be challenging for beginners. Nevertheless, the rewards of a longer meditation session are truly worthwhile, as they foster improved concentration, heightened awareness, and increased serenity. This extended practice allows individuals to delve deeper into their psyche and gain a comprehensive understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations. In the following article, I will provide guidance on how to meditate longer to attain a state of calm and tranquility.

For millennia, meditation has been an integral part of religious traditions like Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism, aiming to enhance emotional well-being, concentration, and self-awareness. There are various forms of meditation, but mostly it involves sitting in a comfortable space in a relaxed posture. It also involves directing attention to breathing. In general, meditation is about observing thoughts and sensations and achieving calmness and inner peace.

How To Meditate For Beginners

how to meditate longer

Meditation involves training the mind to improve focus and redirect thoughts. There are a variety of techniques involved, but basic mindfulness meditation entails.

  • Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lay down without disturbance. Sit in a cross-legged position on a cushion or chair with your back straight. Note that your posture must be alert but relaxed. Some people meditate while lying down; however, it’s better to meditate while sitting because you focus better.
  • Set your time for meditation for beginners its 5–10 minutes; your time gradually increases with progress.
  • Close your eyes and focus on breathing. Notice the sensation of your breath as it enters and leaves your body. In addition, pay attention to your abdomen rising and falling, as well as the air entering and leaving your nostrils.
  • As you observe your breath, thoughts will naturally arise in your mind. Allow your thoughts to come and go, focus on your breath, and practice a non-judgmental attitude towards your thoughts and experiences during meditation.
  • If you feel frustrated when a thought enters your mind, concentrate on your breath. You will gradually expand your awareness beyond breath and start observing other sensations, like sounds in the environment. Don’t get carried away with them; just observe them.
  • When time is up, focus on your body and the present. Wiggle your toes and fingers, and slowly open your eyes.

Why Meditating Longer Is Better

In meditation, practice is the key. Generally, sessions begin shorter and increase over time. Meditation sessions provide many benefits, including improved concentration and focus, increased calmness and relaxation, heightened awareness, and self-reflection opportunities. Although meditation has no specific time limit, the longer you meditate, the deeper you will enter your subconscious. With every effort you put in, you will explore your subconscious even more.

Studies conducted on monks shed light on meditation’s long-term effects on the brain. Scientific evidence has revealed that individuals who engage in meditation over an extended period demonstrate thicker brain regions linked to attention, sensory processing, and emotional regulation. This is not the case for non-meditators. Additionally, research indicates that meditation can reduce stress, enhance cognitive abilities, improve sleep, and foster increased empathy. These studies have also shown increased brain activity in areas associated with happiness, relaxation, concentration, self-awareness, and other positive emotions and qualities.

How To Meditate Longer

Meditation for long periods of time is challenging, especially when you’re not used to extended sessions. Meditation sessions gradually increased with practice and a few strategies. For longer meditations, here are some tips:

1. By Setting A Reasonable Time Goal

set A Reasonable Time Goal - how to meditate longer

Meditation revolves around focus and concentration. As a beginner, set a reasonable duration for your meditation sessions. Starting with 10 minutes is a suitable initial timeframe. Gradually increase the sessions by adding an extra 5 minutes to each session. This gradual progression allows for a more manageable and sustainable approach, preventing you from feeling overwhelmed while working towards your desired session length.

2. Find A Comfortable Posture

Comfortable Posture - how to meditate longer

Meditating for a longer time can be painful. Choose a posture that maintains stability and alertness without pain or discomfort. People usually recommend lying in bed to meditate, but there is a risk of losing awareness and falling asleep. Sitting in an alert position keeps you awake and focused. Experiment with different positions and choose the one that keeps you focused and relaxed.

3. Use Support Pillows

Use Support Pillows

Meditation cushions are called zafu. The cushion provides support and comfort, especially by supporting the lumbar spine’s natural curvature. In general, zafu pillows are round in shape and filled with buckwheat hulls, cotton, or kapok. It also relieves extra pressure and helps keep the right posture.

4. Use Meditation Music

music meditation - how to meditate longer

Keep your interest by experimenting with different techniques, including new-age music. Choose music that sets the tone and creates a calming atmosphere. Music relaxes the mind and body, allowing greater focus and clarity.

5. Consistency


Another way to improve long-session meditation is to practice every day. Experts say daily meditation improves attention and multitasking abilities. More importantly, it increases productivity and reduces depression. If you meditate every day, it will become a habit, and you won’t find it challenging.

6. Practice Patience And Acceptance

practice and patience - how to meditate longer

If you feel meditation is challenging, don’t push yourself. Be patient; you will also feel distracted or restless. Instead of getting frustrated, gently refocus. With practice, you will find the right balance and become more connected to the present moment. Keep in mind that you are learning and growing as you go along.

7. Take A Break When Needed

take a break - how to meditate longer

When engaging in longer meditation sessions, incorporate short breaks. During these breaks, adjust your posture, stand up, and move for a few minutes. Engaging in gentle stretches can also be beneficial. After the break, you can return refreshed and rejuvenated.

Final Verdict

When it comes to learning how to meditate longer, it is not as difficult as it may seem. Listen to your body and adjust your posture if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort. If you still feel challenged to meditate for longer sessions, join a meditation group or workshop in a supportive environment. As you learn from experienced practitioners, you will be motivated to do even better in the future.

Also Read: Meditation gives you inner peace and the most common form is mantra meditation. It is an excellent way to start your spiritual journey and attain tranquility.

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