What is Better: Basil Seeds vs Chia Seeds?

Basil vs Chia Seeds

The debate between basil seeds vs chia seeds has been long. Due to similar properties and overall appearance, many people get confused between the two. While basil seeds are hard and black, chia seeds are grey, with black and white spots. Basil seeds are larger in comparison and more round, while chia seeds are oval in shape and much smaller. Despite these physical differences, many get confused about how to consume or integrate these two highly nutritious edible seeds into their daily routine. Unlike other popular seeds, both basil seeds and chia seeds are consumed by soaking them in water beforehand. 

Both of them have certain health benefits and are good sources of plant protein to include in one’s diet. They become essential ingredients to add to one’s balanced meals, especially for vegetarians. But again, which one is superior? Which one should you consume in higher quantities? Which one is better, basil seeds vs chia seeds? Here’s everything you need to know: 

Nutritional Content: Basil Seeds vs Chia Seeds

Basil Seeds vs Chia Seeds are more or less similar in their caloric counts. But the number of nutrients they contain varies, hence making basil seeds good for certain bodily functions while chia seeds for others. 

Basil Seeds

basil seeds - Basil vs Chia Seeds

One tablespoon of basil seeds, which is just about 13 grams, contains approximately 60 calories, while one tablespoon of chia seeds contains anywhere between 65 to 70 calories. 

Basil seeds have comparatively much higher fiber content, making them good as a digestive aid. They fill you up faster and keep you feeling that way for a longer time. Because of this, they are helpful for consumption if you are trying to be on a calorie deficit diet to lose weight

Basil seeds are also an excellent source of iron and are beneficial for people who are anaemic or suffer from a low haemoglobin count. These seeds are known as superfoods and are high in micronutrients such as magnesium and calcium. This makes them good food to eat to maintain bone and teeth health. Basil seeds are also high in their protein content, making them helpful for repairing damaged tissues and building muscle. 

Chia Seeds

chia seeds

In comparison, chia seeds are well known for their omega-3 fatty acid content. Omega 3 fatty acids are deficient in a regular diet but are one of the essential nutrients. Its presence in the body is crucial to a healthy heart and lung function while also maintaining the strength of the immune system. The only other good source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish, and so for vegetarians and vegans, chia seeds should be an integral part of their daily diet. Omega-3 fatty acids help in reducing internal as well as external inflammation, and they are also instrumental in reducing the risk of heart disease

Chia seeds are also considered a rich source of antioxidants, which have anti-ageing properties and help in collagen production. It is also a good source of calcium, although the calcium content in basil seeds is much better. 

What are the Health Benefits: Basil Seeds vs Chia Seeds

health benefits of basil and chia seeds - Basil vs Chia Seeds

When looking strictly at the kinds of nutrients basil seeds vs chia seeds can provide, we can say that both are equally important because they are a source of such a diverse set of nutrients. While someone with poor bone density and low iron content in their blood should prefer basil seeds, someone facing the threat of heart disease or poor lung function should opt for chia seeds instead. 

How to Consume: Basil Seeds vs Chia Seeds?

While chia seeds can be consumed directly or by soaking them in water, basil seeds can be ingested comfortably only by pre-soaking them in water. This is because basil seeds have a hard outer covering that makes them difficult to chew on. They easily get stuck in crevices in the mouth, causing cavities in the long term. 

Basil seeds swell up to a much larger size than chia seeds upon soaking in water. They also take much less time to soak in this water completely. Basil seeds swell up within a few seconds of soaking, while chia seeds can take anywhere from 30 minutes to overnight, depending on the temperature outside. 

Although both basil seeds and chia seeds have their own nutrients that they are rich in, the presence of both is equally important, especially in a vegetarian diet. It is relatively easy to find recipes that use these seeds creatively. One of the easiest ways is to add it to water or lemonade and make it a refreshing drink. People also make chia seed pudding and add basil seeds to salads and juices. 

So What’s The Short Answer?

Both! There’s no correct answer to the basil seeds vs chia seeds debate. 

Chia seeds are also good for people who struggle with high cholesterol and fatty livers. The omega-3 fatty acid content in the seeds works to control blood sugar levels and helps in energy production. 

On the other hand, basil seeds aid digestion, thereby ensuring the healthy and timely secretion of digestive juices. This helps combat acidity and indigestion, improving the digestive system’s overall health. This is why it is heavily recommended for people who are trying to lose weight and fight obesity

So, what are you waiting for? Stop debating between basil seeds vs chia seeds, and add both of them to your diet today! 

Also Read: Here is a list of 10 foods rich in vitamin D content. You can choose any one of these for your day-to-day consumption.

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