How To Balance Between Work And Home? Planner For Work And Home!

balance between work and home

To balance between work and home is not an easy task, especially when you are a mom of young kids. However, my immense passion for work has pushed me enough to find the balance. Although I am fully devoted to my mom duties. But I feel, I do need to feel happy so that I can transfer this happiness to my kids. Nevertheless, my work is ‘that object’ through which I can get my happiness. When I wake up in the morning, it feels like another challenge to me; however, I need to remind myself that I am a self-sufficient, responsible, strong, financially independent person and I want to keep it just like that.

Are You Balancing Your Work Onuses Satisfactorily?

Sometimes trying hard to meet all the goals, make us feel disappointed, upset and even disabled. So, you need to follow some do’s and don’ts to stay calm and happy. Without discarding your caring loving nature, your emotions, you can do a better balancing act with a little bit of time management.

Some Tips To Balance between Work And Home

1. Talk To Your Partner Or Spouse To Manage Both The Duties

conversation with spouse - balance between work and home

Being a woman, life isn’t easy; we have to face endless challenges every day in our life. We have to be a multi-tasker otherwise we can’t do a single job properly. To deal with everything is not a good idea, don’t take every single task on you. Always talk to your husband or partner about your issues, don’t try to solve on your own. He can advise you well and can share your duties too. You both are married with the vows which have given you the right to equality.

2. Stay Focused Is A Must To Balance Between Work And Home

stay focused

Try to make a strict periphery between your home and office. When you are in the office, try to stay focused completely. Don’t allow anyone to point their fingers at you. At the workplace, it’s your responsibility to get your job done without being compromised besides getting the respect which you deserve to get from your colleague. If preparing a list of your weekly deliverables at the workplace makes you feel easy to focus then do it. During your free time or lunchtime, if you think of something is important at home that needs your attention then call in to check that. Just try to be focused wherever you are and seek the right ways to balance. Trust me; no one can understand it better than you to balance both places.

3. Get Some Preparation Done The Night Before

prepare things before time

To balance between work and home is not easy for a busy woman, as her morning hours are quite important. Each minute is precious to them. So to avoid a messy morning it is always better to pack your kids’ schoolbag or help them to pack at night. It is better to get their uniform even your office outfit ready the night before. It is always advised for working women to make a little preparation for morning breakfast. These small preparation done during the night hours can help you to leave home with some ease and less stress. The extra time you can get in the morning, you can use it to do something productive like some light workout or some power yoga.

4. Don’t Need To Do Everything Without Any Guilt

do work without any guilt - balance between work and home

You don’t need to prove your love and care by doing each chore in the household. You don’t need to drop and pick up your kids from every activity; ask your husband to arrange to pick up or see if a carpool is available. Spend a little more time with yourself and order home delivery instead of the pickup.

If by chance you reach home late, and you are not able to put your kids to bed or share a bedtime story with them, then let it go. It can happen when you have a deadline to meet at the office and you weren’t able to leave the office early. Instead of doing every stuff, try to keep a good and healthy balance between home and workplace. No one can love your kids and your family more than you. If you are missing something, it can happen after all you are a human being and no one is perfect. So, be calm and flush out the unwanted guilt if you have any.

5. Go For Daily Or Weekly Planned Scheduled – Planner For Work And Home Is Helpful!

weekly planner

Try to keep 10 minutes each day or twenty minutes weekly. Sit down calmly and prepare a to-do list. This will give you the chance to put your preferences first and keep a track of your appointments too. When you have your plans, all set then time management can become very easy for you. For working women, planners are essential, your life has endless things to do and if you miss planning things you are going to end in a messy situation.

6. Apply For Some Flexible Hours

apply for flexible hours - balance between work and home

Spending 8 hours each day for five days a week might not work for you. So try to discuss with your boss about some flexible timings, which can work for both you and your company, like:

  • Reducing your works hours to part-time
  • Allow you to work late or early shifts
  • Let you telecommute or work from home once or twice a week.

If all these options fail then you need to use your vacations wisely so that you can spend quality time with your family.

7. Keep Your Connection With Your Friends Alive And Have Fun

enjoy with friends

In your busy schedule, it’s difficult to catch up with your friends. However, managing a simple text is way better than staying apart. A little bit of communication will add a little extra to your day. You need to try hard to make plans with your friend at least once in a month or once in a couple of months. These meetings are so refreshing that it will boost you to keep the balance between your work and home.

There are many activities which you really love to do or which gives you immense happiness, try to do that whenever you manage a little time. Time management is tough, but it is in your hands so have fun in life.

8. Try To Do Stuff With Your Kids Around

work with kids

Don’t wait until your little one’s bedtime to finish your all-important jobs. You need to learn how to do stuff (cleaning, cooking, some financial stuff) when your kids are around. So, at the end of the day when kids are asleep, you can enjoy some free time without worrying about any other stuff.

9. Spend Time With Your Kids And Balance Your Life!

spend time with kids - balance between work and home

It doesn’t matter if you are not able to drop them in their schools or any other activity classes when you can spend precious fifteen minutes in their bed before they go to sleep it will allow them to share stuff with you. It can also be a good one to one time to bond well with your kids.

10. Get Enough Sleep And Spend Time On Exercises

get enough sleep and do exercise

If you are not able to get a good night sleep, it could ruin the next day. To get up with full energy, a good night’s sleep is really very important, especially when you are balancing your work and home together. When you spending long hours while working or doing household chores, you need to stay fit and flexible. So, try to understand the importance of exercises. At least manage 15 minutes five days a week to do something. It could be some real workout or even simple walking. It will boost your energy too; help you to balance well in between your home and office.

11. Timely Shopping Plays An Important Role To Balance Between Work And Home At Ease!

timely shopping - balance between work and home

The last but not the least thing which you must do, (which I like most) is find time to go shopping all by yourself or with your friends. Life is busy, life is short and with these busy schedules of ours, it is quite hard to get free time to fulfill whatever we want. Women love shopping, it can turn us on, so do it! In fact, make a monthly or weekly list and go shopping, don’t limit to the groceries only, in fact, shop whatever you like.

I follow these tips and tricks in my everyday life to balance my home, my work, and my kids. If you want to balance between work and home try once. Go on Girls, follow these and if you have something to share please share your ideas with me, you can from the comment section or if you want to write articles on this site you can contact them here.

Also Read: Career choice is one of the major life decisions in any individual’s life. The decision to choose a career for women is even more critical. Here are some Careers for women that are compatible with their natural skills

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  1. Irony is everyone expect hell lot from us, why do we always have to balance with husband, children, in-laws, boss? Aren’t we suppose to live our life for heaven sake once as we want??


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