Are You a Shopaholic? || Pros and Cons Of Shopping Addiction! (2021 Updated Guide)


Are you a Shopaholic? 

Am I a shopaholic or shopping addict? How many of you can answer this question honestly within a second? I asked a few friends, some admitted, “Yes! I am, I shop compulsively, and struggle a lot to get rid of this shopping addiction.” Some of them are ‘surprisingly’ shopaholics and indulge in compulsive shopping but don’t want to tag themselves as a shopaholic, while others are perplexed.

Shopping Tips

Various studies share the fact that most women love shopping. For some, shopping is a part of their routine life. At times, they just overlook that they are going through a shopping addiction. Some women like to shop for clothes; a few are freaky about cosmetics; some love to go for home dĂ©cor or cutlery; in fact, these days, women also love to spend on gadgets. Shopping habits are fair until they give stress, so one must know the limits. When shopping becomes a pain in your neck or sheer nuisance, that’s the time you must realize that you have a compulsive buying disorder.

Who are Shopaholics? Are You One of Them?

are you a shopaholic

Their funda for shopping is:

Shopping is an art. I am an artist. Respect please!

So, now the question is: Define Shopaholic! Overall, people who are addicted to shopping can’t control their urge to shop, spend money in a blink without giving a second thought and have no boundaries for their spending habits are ‘Shopaholics‘. Hardcore shopaholic fails to judge their requirements, and they buy anything and everything they want to own. They can shop anywhere: be it a Shopping Mall, Online Store, or Street-Shopping. They have an exceptional ability to find out their requirements wherever they are. 

Above all, current technology is assisting shopaholics in every possible way. Availability of the internet and mobile phones are one of the quickest and easiest ways to shop. In fact, they are an incredible new platform for shoppers as what could be more comfortable than teleshopping or placing an order within a minute. Well, I honestly want to salute those women who can clasp their urge to shop.

What’s the Role of Online Shopping for a Shopaholic?

shopping online

I’ve been shopping all my life and still have nothing to wear.

I personally feel online shopping is playing a substantial role in women being compulsive shoppers. Whether an extensive business profile or a local business, social media is a powerful platform to advertise their brand. Sometimes, I want to blame these hordes of online ads sated with insanely lucrative deals and discounts which can undeniably tempt compulsive shoppers. You can’t halt a shopaholic if she sees a highly discounted online ad popping up while updating or screening her Facebook or Insta account.

are you shopaholic

And on top of it, the word “discount” rouses a shopper’s adrenaline rush leading her to browse the deal, wanting to buy and abreast, rebelling with the dilemma: whether they should buy or shouldn’t! Sometimes it is so hard to fight your own emotions that a shopper starts to console themselves. Oh! No! This is something I must buy. Ah! It’s so cheap
Don’t know, will I be getting the same price next time? Thousands of emotions and questions surround a shopaholic, and to be honest, discounts are tough to resist. I am sure many of us can vouch for it.

Shopping Addiction: Is it Bad or Worst? — Too Much of ‘it’ is Excruciating

Shopping is not bad but to overshop is a crime, your wardrobe is chock-full of clothes for various occasions, and yet you are crabby that you have nothing to wear. This is somehow is ‘too much’.

Thinking what to wear

You should know what is your necessity and what’s must be your shopping limit and budget. Spending carelessly is not advisable; one can’t waste their hard-earned money just to satisfy their yearning for shopping. So, if you are an impulsive and obsessive online shopper, for you to resist your shopping appetite is intoxicating, though you love to shop but regret it later, and seeking ways to put a full stop to your shopping addiction. Try out these given ideas, suggestions, or tips, whatever you want to label it.

Tired of Being a Shopaholic – Want to Count the Losses Or Fight it Back? – Some Life-Saving Tips

1. Talk to your Family or Bestie to Overcome your Shopping Addiction

supporting family

I sustain myself with the love of family.

~ Maya Angelou

My best friend is a shopaholic; she shops compulsively; being her faithful friend, I am persistent in helping her get rid of this shopping addiction. If you are genuinely sorry for your shopping addiction and want to get over it, the first thing you must do is talk to your family. Whether you are single or married, you can discuss it with your spouse, parents, siblings, or on whom you rely most. In such a situation, friends are good advisors, they are your people, and they can be your best advisor when you seek out help. After talking to them, I bet you can come up with many ideas to cope with shopping addiction as they know you better than anyone. They know your strengths and weaknesses; giving them access to help you heal from your addiction is the best help you can get.

Try to implement this tip, as seeing you in trouble will make them upset too. Secondly, you must do it for them as accept it or not; your shopping binge is a pang of pain to them as well.

Also Read: Family is always there with you whether you are high or low; know the magical and true meaning of family!

2. Console and Comfort your Mind to Fight Back!

yoga - shopping addict

If you find, sharing your concerns with your family isn’t so helpful, try this second option. Try to remember the efforts that your family has put on your first attempt in your struggle once again. Don’t forget that time is precious, don’t let their efforts go in vain. 

For this, try your best to control your mind and practice yoga or meditation to calm your inner mind, as inner peace has its own meaningful role. Still, you find that you are compelled to shop due to lucrative discounts on your favorite dress or a luxury watch. First, take a break, questions yourself—Is this really what you need? Or you don’t have any other priorities? Even after this, you want to click that buy button; be your guide, try to console and comfort your mind by picturing the actual image of your finances. Nudge yourself with one more chance to figure out your financial status with these below-given questions and points:

  • What’s your monthly salary, routine expenses, and unnecessary expenses?
  • Compare your earnings vs your outgo.
  • List down this month’s unwanted expenditure.
  • Check your credit card balance.
  • Check how much money is left in your bank or debit account?
  • Do check: Are you in some debt due to EMI schemes?

Similarly, there are numerous questions which you can ask yourself, who knows you can change your mind and rethink your decision! Even if you understand the consequences of shopping addiction, make sure to shut down the shopping window on your mobile or laptop. If you are shopping outside, leave the store immediately. Keep reminding yourself that you have enough of these at home; the only thing you need is to declutter and reorganize them.

3.  Join Shopping Addiction Support Groups — One of the Proven Way to Combat Shopping Addiction

support group

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

~ Helen Keller

Despite all previous efforts you are failing to combat your shopping spree, try to join a support group. Joining support groups has a steady success rate to fight addictions. You can find many people there struggling with their addictions. Listening to the other side’s stories can be a soul opener for you. Sometimes, we are so busy within ourselves that we miss looking around us and witnessing other’s life facets which may be more painful than ours, may change our complete mindset. When you see people trying their best to fight their addictions in a support group, it can boost you to combat yours. Try these baby steps; who knows, it may change your life.

4. Make a Promise and Challenge Yourself to Control your Shopping Spree

Make promise

Keep every promise you make and only make promises you can keep.     

~ Anthony Hitt

If still things are failing, challenge yourself, talk to yourself, figure out your weakness. If you are habitual of browsing your favorite shopping portal or visiting your preferred boutique quite often, try these baby steps:

  • Promise yourself not to visit the website or shopping store for the next couple of days.
  • Challenge your hyperactive shopping hormones with some genuine rewards.
  • Keep on motivating yourself by reminding the promises you have made to yourself.
  • Motivate yourself by reminding yourself that you are a strong head woman and materialistic things can’t conquer you.
  • Rewind your life and think about what you have missed or missing due to your shopping addiction, pick them one by one and accomplish what you have left.

5. Revive your Forgotten Hobbies to Overcome Shopping Addiction


I have a nice office. I have a nice house… So I’m not denying myself some great things. I just don’t happen to have expensive hobbies.

~ Bill Gates 

To manage your craving for shopping, discover some new ways to occupy your mind. Everyone has one or two hobbies which they miss due to the busy life, so here you got a chance to re-live your hobby. People often say, “they don’t get time for their hobbies”. My point is that shopping in an outlet or online shopping takes enormous time; sometimes, you browse 100 dresses on an online portal and don’t like a single of them. Have you imagined how much time have you lost? Even if you go to an offline store in your city, count your traveling hours and the hours you lose while selecting dresses. If you are not a shopaholic, it’s okay, but if you are a shopaholic, you must know this – you are wasting your time.

So, give yourself a chance to revive your forgotten hobbies; it can be an excellent distraction to combat your shopping addiction.

6. Allocate Budget for your Spending


To shop is easy, to pay the bill is quite a ‘thing’. Therefore, it is better to work in detail on your monthly and yearly expenses by making a list. Do the same as you do for your grocery shopping; all of us make a grocery list every month, in the same way, calculate your expenses and allocate a budget for them. Try to inculcate a habit of saving; you can also get a piggy bank for yourself and do a little bit of savings.

Life is uncertain, and who knows at what moment in time you might need some extra cash for any unplanned events or expenses. And to save this extra cash, you have to be planned when it comes to allocating budget for your spending. So, do designate a budget that will help you get an idea of your expenditure, further helping you to know the aftermath of extra and pointless shopping.

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7. Lock your Credit Cards Somewhere Deep Down!

Credit card agreements run as long as 30 pages, and it’s 30 pages of largely incomprehensible text.

~ Elizabeth Warren
are you shopaholic

When you are trying hard to cope with your shopping addiction, try to keep all your credit cards aside, I would say lockdown them in your locker and hand over the keys to your family member. Due to the ease of sending payment, we often save our card details to online shopping sites or in online wallets, ensure to delete them from the saved card options. This will help you pause your shopping splurge for a while and give you a chance to rethink your decision. Yet, for some people, credit cards are a must due to their work preferences. For this scenario, they can lower down their credit card limit to a certain level or set a minimum limit per day; this can hinder them from shopping unnecessarily, as they know very well why they have lowered down the card limit.

8. Keep a Limited Balance in Your Bank Account

online payment

Internet banking is another way for online shoppers to pay while shopping online, and Debit/ATM cards when buying offline. To overcome this issue, the only solution you need is to keep a minimum balance in the bank account you frequently use for shopping.

If you have multiple bank accounts in different banks, avoid activating all debit cards or net banking accounts. Sometimes, there are emergencies when we need urgent money, and keeping a low balance can create an issue. Well, for such cases, make Fixed Deposits; also, you can liquidate your FDs online anytime via your net banking account. Also, you can create twelve months, six months, or three months Recurring Deposits if you have to pay your insurance bills or any other bills periodically. Spending money on extra shopping is not wise; in fact, if you have excess funds, it is better to invest in mutual funds or equity shares.

9. Delete All Shopping Apps and Phone Number of your Preferred Store

are you shopaholic

I could have said this earlier, but trust me, it is not going to work at all if you rush towards it instantly the moment you thought to fight your shopping depression. This action only works when you are determined in accommodating the above shared combating tips. For every accomplishment, we have to take small steps. Hounding yourself once and for all will not take you anywhere. When you are attempting your best to tame your addiction by trying the above-discussed courses of action, deleting all the shopping apps from your cell phones is undoubtedly going to work. At this point, when you are removing the shopping apps, you know by all means what you are doing and for how long you are fighting for this ‘one action’.

Deleting apps during the very first day is an impulsive action. We all know when there is no thought behind any action, it is obvious to neglect and redo it without any regret. Although resisting offline shopping is quite effortless when you have strictly followed the above-given tips, getting ready and travelling to reach the store or shopping center is indeed a task. So, deleting the phone number of your preferred offline store is enough to stop you from going to shop.

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Confessions of a Shopaholic – An Excellent Movie to Get you in Check!

As discussed above, shopping is not bad, to overshop is awry. Sometimes we get so obsessed with our shopping addiction that we fail to understand this one fundamental thing: we are on the wrong track, and being shopaholics can give us a hard time anytime. This shopping obsession gets ahold of our brain in such a way that we miss looking out for right and wrong. I feel quotes have their own way of conveying and converting the mind; likewise, movies have the same aura. And if you love movies and are a shopaholic, the movie ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ is a good watch for you. (in case you haven’t watched it yet)

In short, this is an eye-opener watch for those who shop in an instant without giving a thought, even for a second. Nothing can distress you when things are safe around you, but once things go upside down, gnawing you financially, you land into flashbacks. But flashbacks are in the past; what’s done is done; being alert at the right time can only save you from catastrophes. Unfortunately, we can’t time travel as we don’t have Turnstile like in Tenet. We just can’t go back to fix our past, come again to our present, to live happily ever after.

Coming to the movie, Isla Fisher, as Rebecca Bloomwood, has hitched me so intensely that I have watched this movie six times until now. This 2009 romantic comedy is adapted from the Shopaholic series of novels by Sophie Kinsella. These books and film have their own sets of famous shopaholic quotes; I am pinning down some quotes from ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ by Sophie Kinsella.

Epic Shopaholic Quotes from ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’ 

However, I have shared everything in detail with our readers, knowing how to combat shopping addiction. But I want to sum up my views more precisely with the help of some quotes on shopping addiction from ‘Confessions of a Shopaholic’. I hope these quotes can convey the idea more specifically if you are a shopaholic or if my detailed thoughts about shopping addiction lack anywhere.

By Sophie Kinsella


I’m already pushing my way through the doors. Oh God, the relief. The warmth, the light. This is where I belong. This is my natural habitat.


I did a lot of shopping for her in Tokyo because the colors here are very conservative. A shopaholic would have a coat in every color and lots of accessories.


So I buy it. The most perfect little cardigan in the world. People will call me the Girl in the Gray Cardigan. I’ll be able to live in it. Really, it’s an investment.


I honestly feel as though I’ve run an obstacle course to get here. In fact, I think, they should list shopping as a cardiovascular activity. My heart never beats as fast as it does when I see a “reduced by 50 percent” sign.


I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes everyday, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore.


Shopping is actually very similar to farming a field. You can’t keep buying the same thing, you have to have a bit of variety. Otherwise you get bored and stop enjoying yourself.

By Rebecca Bloomwood


You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down hot toast? Well that’s what it’s like when I see a store. Only it’s better.


When I shop the world gets better, the world is better; and then it’s not anymore and I have to do it again.”


Ok. don’t panic. Don’t panic. It’s only a VISA bill. It’s a piece of paper; a few numbers. I mean, just how scary can a few numbers be?


 I need these cashmere gloves because it’s winter
and I have hands.

Final Outcome of this Shopping Spree Struggle

So, these were some tips that you must try if you are a tenacious shopaholic and want to battle your stress due to your shopping addiction.

shopping addiction

Now, I have a confession to make; I was an uncompromising shopaholic. My persistence towards shopping was steady and versatile. I loved to buy gadgets, cosmetics, watches, shoes, clothes, home decors, kitchen gadgets, cutlery, and whatnot. My friends called me an impulsive buyer and obsessive online shopper—that was a bitter truth. Even my family was exhausted from my shopping binge. But one day, it was a self-awareness call. I realized what am I doing? I am not spending wisely and just wasting my hard-earned money without giving it a thought. 

Then the first thing I did, asked my family to help me out, taking all these above-given steps one by one; finally, I got myself stable. It’s not like I don’t do shopping these days; I do—definitely do, and being a woman, I think, it’s my right. 🙂 But trust me, my shopping revel is now within the limit. This article is totally on my experiences; I have successfully succeeded it, and now I can say a Big ‘NO’ to this question — Are you a Shopaholic?

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  1. Addiction of anything is tough to resist and shopping for women is like breathing air, its hard to control shopping addiction.


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