How Safe Is Your Cookware!

How Safe Is Your Cookware

The basics of a kitchen are defined with the tools you use in it, and the future of your health is defined by the food you eat. Therefore, as much as the role of skilled chef matters in the kitchen, reliable and safest cookware is regarded in the same way. We love to prepare and eat the recipes that we know are full of nutrients, but we least care about the safest cookware that is helping us make it. No matter how far we go in maintaining our diet, if the cookware is not safe enough, we will end up catching awful vibes for our health fitness.

Let’s determine the hard facts together: which cookware material you need to discard from your kitchen, and which should you purchase on priority and under what reasons!

Safest Cookware – The Types You Do NOT Want to Use

1. Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel - safest cookware

Stainless steel is metal alloy and is good to go with only if it does not contain the concentrations of nickel and chromium. Iron brings no such havoc, so its presence is not a dilemma. However, the experts consider nickel and chromium as a major carcinogen, and most of the people are straightforwardly sensitive to nickel. Just have thought about how dangerous it can be for them that they indirectly have nickel traces in their food through the cookware. Before buying stainless steel cookware, double-check if it’s food-grade stainless steel and then grab it. For the rest, it definitely makes delicious food and is super affordable.

Safety Tip:

The surface lubricants can be a big-time saviour that works to minimize the connection between the surface and the food. You can trust olive oil or coconut oil for this purpose.

2. Aluminium

Aluminium - safest cookware

In this material, you come across two choices:

  • Aluminium cookware
  • Anodized Aluminum cookware

Aluminium cookware possesses high risks of leaching the metal into your food every day while anodized aluminium undergoes unusual reactions that turn its metallic powers into a nonstick tendency. However, if you want to continue using aluminium cookware, just know that it can easily trigger Alzheimer’s in your elders and respiratory diseases in your children while cancer comes handy for all ages. It happens with the usual intake of up to 10 milligrams of aluminium through the food you cook, which is quite toxic when it all accumulates in the body to present you it’s bad sides.

Safety Tip:

Avoid storing food in the refrigerator or at room temperature in your aluminium cookware for long spans.

3. Ceramic


Just like aluminium, the ceramic range also puts forward two options:

  • Pure ceramic cookware
  • Ceramic-coated cookware

The ceramic coated cookware is made of metal, but the outer coating simply includes the slightest of ceramic through the silicone base. There is quite a difference between the impressions of pure ceramic and the ceramic that lies on the exterior. People run after ceramic-coated cookware just because it’s inexpensive; otherwise, the real harmful metal that it is actually made up of starts leaching into your food after a number of uses. On the other hand, pure ceramic can cost you an arm and a leg but would not affect your health as it is safe for the purpose.

Safety Tip:

Employ either plastic or a wooden spatula while cooking in the ceramic cookware.

4. Cast Iron

Cast Iron

This is by far the only cookware material where leaching is not a big threat. Therefore, cast iron comprises iron elements that can leach into your food on and off but do more good than the bad. Our bodies need an adequate amount of iron to function properly, just like zinc, magnesium, and calcium. People with a lower iron concentration in their blood are even suggested to take the food cooked in cast iron besides it retains superior heat on the surface. You can also turn your cast iron cookware into nonstick cookware through seasoning for additional benefits.

Safety Tip:

Just don’t delay the cleaning process with cast iron cookware and the best is to wash it with warm water.

6. Copper


Copper is a heavy metal, and it is often combined with nickel or tin when coated, so you know the danger with this cookware is two-fold. Despite the fact that it is quite famous for its success because of superior heat conduction and amazing looks, when the copper or nickel leaches into your food, the harm is intense. Either through pure copper or copper-coated with nickel, the deterioration can not be minimized, and its safety is never evident in any way.

Safety Tip:

Be quick with drying your copper pan after washing because the lingering water can adversely affect its surface.

7. Nonstick


Nonstick may seem as effectively the easiest to use cookware in the minimum investment possible. Since the list of pros is comprehensive, the people find it to have it in any way, overlooking the health effects completely. The Teflon used in the coating is a health hazard. And its continuous approach to your body can lead to as many diseases as you can think of. The variety of coatings may render you easy-release finish, but if you happen to overcook the surface by chance, you may also fall prey to the Teflon flu caused by inhaling toxic fumes.

Safety Tip:

Never ever let the temperature exceed above medium while using nonstick cookware because high temperatures trigger poisonous fuming of chemicals used in the manufacturing.

7. Glass


Glass is another reliable cookware material to use when it comes to safety. It is durable if you go the extra mile for its maintenance; you can end up having it for quite a long time. The best thing about glass cookware is, there is no possibility of leaching. Also, the taste also turns out to be more soul-restoring than ever. While using it, you may face complications initially if you were handling nonstick previously. As it pretty much works otherwise the nonstick cookware.

Safety Tip:

Avoid making the basic dry recipes in it as well as use dry cloths to handle hot glass cookware.


You can use the safest cookware or problematic cookware with high safety concerns only if you master to use them with precautions, safety measures, and provided tips.

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