2 Incredibly Easy Fish Recipes For People Who Don’t Like Fish

Fish Recipes for People Who Don’t like Fish

Fish is an excellent source of protein, fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. Fish keep you fit and healthy and are an ideal food for weight loss. There are many types of fish, and they can be prepared in many ways. They can be broiled, poached, baked, grilled, cured, or eaten raw like sushi. However, some people dislike it. However, some people dislike fish due to its strong odor, slimy texture, or taste. Here are some fish recipes for people who don’t like fish that are easy to make and taste great.

Fish comes in a variety of types, like cod, salmon, tuna, tilapia, mackerel, haddock, and many more. Every type has its own unique flavor and preparation technique. In general, fish, like many sea creatures, have a slimy texture and an unpleasant odor. Most importantly, you can’t deny its naturally salty flavor. Fish is a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world, including Japanese sushi, Italian pasta dishes, and American seafood restaurants.

Best Fish Species for People Who Don’t Like Fish

1. Tilapia

Tilapia - Fish Recipes for People Who Don’t like Fish

People use tilapia fish in various cuisines. It is a freshwater fish with a subtle flavor, making it an excellent choice for people who dislike the typical fish flavor. It is often referred to as “sea chicken” because of its chicken-like flavor. On top of that, it contains less sodium, mercury, and saturated fat content. It’s enriched with many minerals and vitamins, like selenium, phosphorus, and vitamin B12. It’s typically a pan-frying fish, ideal for fish tacos, fish and chips, and fillets.

2. Arctic Char

Artic Char

Arctic char is a cold-water fish that typically inhabits deep waters. It shares many characteristics with both trout and salmon. It ranges in color from pale pink to red. In terms of taste, it’s an ideal choice for people who prefer not to like fish. This is because it doesn’t stink and tastes like salmon. However, it is less oily than salmon making it a healthier option.

3. Flounder

Flounder - Fish Recipes for People Who Don’t like Fish

The flounder is a flatfish found in the ocean and belongs to the flatfish family. One of the most distinctive features of this fish usually tastes salty, but this fish is sweet and has an incredibly delicate texture, which sets it apart from most other fish that tend to have a salty flavor. For people who don’t like fish, flounders are a suitable option.

Fish Recipes For People Who Don’t Like Fish

Fish is an ideal choice for growing children and adults because it’s enriched with protein and abundance of essential minerals and vitamins. However, some people may find the taste of fish challenging to enjoy. If you fall into this category, don’t worry! There are numerous recipes that you can try that will help you to incorporate fish into your diet without being bothered by its typical taste.

Homemade Tilapia Sticks

tilapia sticks

Tilapia fillets that are lightly breaded and seasoned are pan-fried to perfection and enjoyed with a dip of your choice. This dish is not only delicious but also highly nutritious and provides a different taste experience from the typical fish that many people are accustomed to. Moreover, this recipe can be modified and tried with other types of fish as well.


  • Tilapia fillets – 4 pieces
  • All-purpose flour- ½ cup
  • Bread crumbs-1 1/2 cup
  • Eggs- 2 large sized
  • Vegetable oil –1/4 cup
  • Salt-1 tsp
  • Pepper 1 tsp


  • Take a frozen pack of tilapia fillets and wash them under cool running water for 5 minutes. Cut the filets lengthwise into 2–3 pieces.
  • Next, set up three separate bowls. In the first bowl, add flour, pepper, and salt (along with any additional seasoning you prefer). In the second bowl, whisk the eggs, and in the third bowl, add the bread crumbs.
  • First, dip the tilapia filets in seasoned flour, then dip them in whisked eggs, and finally roll them in breadcrumbs. Place the coated fillets on a dish.
  • Heat a large skillet over medium heat and add oil. Once the pan is hot, add the filets and cook until both sides are golden brown. Transfer the fillets to a serving tray and enjoy them with your favorite sauce.

Mahi Mahi Fish Curry

mahi mahi fish - Fish Recipes for People Who Don’t like Fish

Mahi Mahi is the most popular fish often served in restaurants. Like most other fish, it has a sweet and mild to moderate flavor. When cooked correctly, its lean and firm flesh has a distinctive taste that you’ll start to enjoy. More importantly, Mahi mahi is an excellent source of healthy, lean protein. It is also a rich source of niacin, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and selenium.


  • Boneless Mahi Mahi fish – 4 pieces
  • Finely chopped onions – 1 medium-sized
  • Mustard Seeds – 1 tbsp
  • Finely chopped tomatoes – 1 medium-sized
  • Coriander seeds 1 tbsp
  • Cumin seeds 1 tbsp
  • Ginger 2 tbsp
  • Green chili – 4 pieces
  • Nigella seeds 1/2 tbsp
  • Dry red chili powder – 1/2 tsp
  • Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp
  • Salt- 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp


  • Let mustard seeds, coriander seeds, dried chilies, and cumin seeds soak in lukewarm water for 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Take a bowl and marinate the fish pieces in turmeric and salt for a few minutes.
  • Grind the soaked masala into a smooth paste and include salt, ginger, and turmeric powder in the paste as well (you can use a pinch of sugar to make it tastier).
  • Take a skillet and heat vegetable oil, then fry the marinated fish on medium heat. Remove the fish and add the onion; stir until golden brown. Then pour in the tomatoes, cover, and simmer for 3–4 minutes. Then add the masala paste and sauté, covered, for 5 minutes.
  • Pour in water and cook for another 3 minutes. Add the fried fish and green chilies and cook for another 10 minutes, flipping the sides after 5 minutes.
  • Separately, fry nigella seeds, and dry red chili, and add them to the fish curry.
  • Serve the fish with steamed rice and enjoy.


These fish recipes for people who don’t like fish are simple to make and delicious to eat. If you eat fish often, keeping lemon juice or vinegar on hand can help mask the stronger odors of certain fish. In general, lemon acid neutralizes fish amines by converting them into perfectly healthy salts that won’t pollute the air and don’t taste terribly as well. For those new to fish, it’s best to try species that are odorless and do not have a slimy texture. Don’t forget to try these recipes and share your feedback.

Also Read: This classic salmon sushi roll recipe is a staple of Japanese cuisine and is simple and easy to prepare.

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