How to Eat Monstera Deliciosa Fruit – Everything You Need To Know About It

How to Eat Monstera Deliciosa Fruit
Image Credit: commons.wikimedia

Have you ever heard of Monstera Deliciosa? It’s one of the rarest fruits on the planet, and its taste will shock you! Monstera Deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, has been quite popular lately. What else can one expect when the plant looks and tastes the way it does? But what is it, you ask? Monstera Deliciosa is a tropical houseplant. It has large glossy leaves with oblong perforations that look like swiss cheese; hence the name.

Moreover, it even produces a rare fruit that only adds to its charm. The plant belongs to the Araceae family. And its distinctive appearance of having more than one pore makes it a sought-after choice for indoor décor. Likewise, with its quick adaptability and minimal care, this plant produces a fruit rich in nutrition. If you’ve got your hands on this incredibly rare fruit and are now wondering how to eat monstera deliciosa fruit, you’re at the right place! 

Why Is it Called Monstera Deliciosa? 

Why Is it Called Monstera Deliciosa

Its name might be the reason why this fruit is a favourite amongst fantasy lovers. The Monstera deliciosa comes from the Latin word “monstrum”, meaning monster or abnormality. This name is attributed to the unusual appearance of the leaves, which possess distinctive splits, holes, or fenestrations. The foliage of Monstera deliciosa is often described as resembling a monster’s or a dragon’s scales. Adding to its delicious taste, it is completely justified as a popular and visually striking choice for plant owners, especially those wanting to own their indoor garden

When To Eat Monstera Deliciosa Fruit

Monstera Deliciosa Fruit
Image Credit: commons.wikimedia

Monstera deliciosa fruit is safe to eat when it’s fully ripe. You’ll know it’s ripe enough to eat when the colour of the fruit changes from green to yellow. It’s essential to be patient and wait for the fruit’s green scales to change colour completely. Why? Because an unripe fruit contains relatively higher concentrations of oxalic acid which can irritate.

How To Eat Monstera Deliciosa Fruit

Eating Monstera Deliciosa Fruit
Image Credit: commons.wikimedia

You can follow these steps if you want to know how to eat monstera deliciosa fruit.

  • Once ripe, cut the fruit open to reveal the white, custard-like flesh.
  • Remove any seeds as they are not edible. 
  • Some people may experience slight irritation, so it’s advisable to sample a small amount first. 
  • If the flavor is a blend of banana and pineapple, then you’ve mastered the correct timing of the fruit.  


Is It Healthy?

Yes! Keri Gans, a nutritional consultant, states that the monstera fruit is a rich source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that supports our immune system in fighting against diseases. It protects against certain kinds of cancer as well. Plus, it is incredibly beneficial if you’re trying to counter nutritional deficiency. That’s why nutrient-deficient people should especially know how to eat Monstera Deliciosa fruit correctly! 

Benefits Of Eating Monstera Deliciosa Fruit

Benefits Of Eating Monstera Deliciosa Fruit
Image Credit: commons.wikimedia

Along with Vitamin C, it offers many other amazing health benefits, such as; 

  • It helps with the dehumidification of air.
  • It plays a role in improving sleep quality. 
  • It boosts your Concentration and productivity. 
  • Other than these, there’s also an effect of reduction of stress as well. 
  • Similarly, it is also a source of other minerals like phosphorus and vitamin B. 

Ultimately, it all comes down to moderation and patience when eating this plant. Otherwise, you might earn yourself a one-way ticket to either the toilet or the hospital.

What Does Monstera Deliciosa Taste Like?

Mexican breadfruit
Image Credit: commons.wikimedia

The Monstera fruit is also often known as the Mexican breadfruit. Why? Because it has a distinctive taste that is a mix of tropical flavours. When it’s ripe, the white flesh of the fruit tastes as sweet as a banana with hints of pineapple in it. The texture is creamy and juicy, making it a mouth-watering treat for those seeking a tropical culinary experience. However, it is important to note that it depends on the individual. Some may perceive it as a sweet delicacy. At the same time, some may experience mild throat irritation. 

Is Monstera Deliciosa Toxic To Humans?

Is Monstera Deliciosa Toxic To Humans
Image Credit: commons.wikimedia

It is considered mildly toxic to humans. But that’s only because it contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and discomfort. Common symptoms of toxicity may include oral irritation, burning sensations in the mouth and throat, swelling, and difficulty in swallowing. While severe poisoning from Monstera deliciosa is rare, avoiding consuming any part of the plant is advisable.

Oh, but the fruit flesh is safe to eat, so no need to worry! Still, seeking medical attention is recommended if someone eats Monstera deliciosa and experiences poisoning symptoms. In case of mild exposure, rinsing the mouth with water or consuming milk may help alleviate some of the irritation. You can also use essential oils like peppermint to counter such allergic reactions. Remember to keep such plants out of reach of children and pets! 

Is Monstera Toxic To Cats?

Is Monstera Toxic To Cats
Image Credit: commons.wikimedia

To put it very simply, the answer is Yes. Monstera deliciosa is considered toxic to cats. That’s because this plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and other side effects if eaten by cats. These side effects may include drooling, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, and oral irritation. The plant similarly affects both humans and cats. But cats are tiny little creatures, so they get the worst end. In severe cases, it can even lead to more serious issues. Therefore, if you suspect that your cat has eaten any part of Monstera, it’s essential to contact your vet immediately!

Why Is Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Rare?

Swiss cheese plant
Image Credit: commons.wikimedia

Monstera deliciosa is not that rare because it has a natural habitat. It is native to the rainforests of Central America. However, its rarity is based on the aspects of its cultivation due to several factors. Firstly, its popularity as a houseplant has led to increased demand, sometimes surpassing the available supply. Secondly, Monstera deliciosa can be challenging to propagate from seed, and many plants sold commercially are propagated through cuttings. The slow growth of the plant and its beauty contribute to its rarity as well. 

How To Grow Monstera Deliciosa Fruit?

Here’s how you can grow the fruit along with care tips and master the art of gardening!

  • First of all, you need to procure seeds. You can either buy them from a market or extract them from a ripe fruit. Rinse them carefully so as not to damage them. 
  • Prepare a pot of well-drained soil. Place the seeds just below the earth’s surface so that it has enough room to grow.
  • Take care to note that they can only be grown under controlled conditions. Keep them in a humid area with indirect sunlight. Water them generously but not to the point of saturation. The soil must be kept moist.
  • Like other plants, it requires regular care like pruning, watering, and regular exposure to indirect sunlight. 
  • Lastly, remember that not every plant will grow a fruit. If it does, you’re lucky enough to harvest it. But if it doesn’t, love it as equally. 

How Much Does Monstera Deliciosa Fruit Cost?

The cost of Monstera deliciosa can vary widely based on various factors. Such as the plant’s size, age, overall health, and the region or market where it is being sold. Smaller and younger plants are generally less expensive than mature ones. Prices could range from $30 to $150 or more for Monstera deliciosa. However, plant prices can fluctuate based on trends, availability, and local demand. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it’s recommended to check with local nurseries, online plant retailers, or stores in your area. 


Well, now you know everything about how to eat Monstera Deliciosa fruit. It is highly beneficial for health and its taste is unique like none other! Just be sure to follow the instructions and especially the precautions. At the end of it all, enjoy the experience! 

Also Read: Having a green surrounding in this age of skyscrapers and car-packed roads, terrace gardens are truly your personal heaven inside the home.

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